Episode 1

What field of life are you playing in?

This is part 1 of a 6 part series from a masterclass Jodie did called “Potentiality”.  

Tune IN and allow yourself to be activated into a bigger game of life.  

In life, you have the opportunity to play in 3 fields.  

The first field where the majority of the population plays is the predictable field.  When you play here you get what you’ve always gotten repeating the past and walking through life day after day like it’s ground hog day.

The second field is possibility.  This is where you begin to see a new light–new possibilities and opportunities not just in others but for you too. This is where you begin to understand you have to become someone different in order to create something different.  The good news is you’re just becoming more of who you came to be.

Your soul speaks first.  She calls you into the wildest dreams story…your body, mind, and spirit are required to form an alliance in order to expand into a field beyond what your little heart can currently comprehend in order to step into the path of desire.  We call this field, “Potentiality”.   This is a field where you learn you’re never truly alone and you have a whole invisible team working behind the scenes with you and for you.  

1:42-4:08 Sexy is Feeling Alive in the Naked of Who You Really Are

6:11-6:54 What’s beyond your control & what isn’t

8:02-9:10 What game of life are you playing in? 

9:19-10:30 How I moved from predictable to possible after my husband died

10:33-11:10 What getting stuck in the past looks like

11:10 Seeing light at the end of the tunnel 

12:27-13:25 What changes our reality isn’t outside of ourselves

13:26-15:03 You gave your word when you came into this life to do one thing

15:21-16:10  Even when things are good you have to know when keep moving

24:29-25:58  Owning your power is not controlling the outside

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Soul Liberated Life
Cultivating your highest relationship purpose while living a legacy of love

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About your host

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Jodie Rodenbaugh

Jodie Rodenbaugh is a Soul Liberator & Soulmate Matchmaker here to guide powerful men, women, & couples and in turn their families & into their highest relationship purpose & greatest love story their souls have ever told in all the history of ever.

Your past doesn’t define you but there is deep wisdom & life defining treasures hidden back in your earliest years and many times before you were born that are effecting your success because there is no real success without relationship success.

Gone are the days of superficial love & surface relationships. You were born to for so much more! You were born to create & allow yourself to co-create literal magic beyond your own human understanding. Soulmate kind of love requires a deep awareness of self & an unwavering connection to the most high.

Every episode of Soul Liberated Life holds timeless wisdom and potent messages to call your soul back home and into your wildest dreams and deepest soul-fueled desires.